
Join Lekka

Join Lekka

The solidarity mobile account for your daily expenses and international money transfers

The solidarity mobile account for your daily expenses and international money transfers

Lekka gives everyone the power to manage their own money and help their loved ones anywhere in the world.
Money to the People.

Open your account

in a few minutes

A free mobile account wherever you are in the UK* or Europe and a RIB with no income or solvency requirements

* Lekka will be available first in Europe, then in the UK

Deposit money

by bank transfer or by card!

Use Lekka everywhere

In the UK or Europe, Lekka offers you a Visa card® international!

My secure money transfers in an instant

With my app, I can send money instantly and free of charge to another member of the Lekka community, wherever I am and whenever I want.

I can make free transfers in the UK or Europe (SEPA zone) in just a few clicks!

Coming soon

I can send money all over the world at very competitive prices! See the simulator.

MyPocket becomes Lekka
and is launching a special offer:

Because Lekka is made for you

Virtual card FREE*

Free access

0 /month
0 /m

Premium access

  2.08 /month
2.08 /m

Single payment of €25 for one year

Savings of €11

Save €11
Our customers talk about us

Because Lekka is above all at the service of people

Our Rewards

Fair-eZone has been labelled by Pôle Finance Innovation in the Social and Solidarity Economy category with the congratulations from the jury.

Prize for the most promising startup at the Afric'Startinnov event organized by "The Blue Factory" and ESCP

Enter your phone number to join us

and receive your free MyPocket Mastercard®